*Art donations are welcome to support the camp. Click this link for details.
Lee Street Church engages in a week long I Am Art camp in the summer which is designed for children ages 5-12 of the Godfrey Lee Neighborhood.  Planning for 2025 is in the works.
Children are able to choose between 8-10 different artistic mediums and will work in their group all week to learn multiple elements of their chosen medium while working on individual and group projects.  
Art classes are held from 9:00 am-2:00 pm, Monday to Friday, including lunch and snacks.
Saturday includes an Art Celebration displaying and celebrating the individual and group projects the children worked on all week at the camp.
Sunday we have a special worship service celebrating the great I AM, the Creator who created us!
The theme verse for I Am Art comes from Ephesians 2:20, “For we are God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”  I Am Art is centered on the invitation for children to explore the art within them while embracing the truth that each can declare “I Am Art” as a masterpiece created by the Artist of all artists — the great I AM. 
I Am Art camps have been held in Guatemala for more than 10 years and some of our members brought the vision here to Lee St. last summer where more than 100 children were in attendance and 50 plus volunteers served the children and their families. We partner with our friends at Athentikos to carry out the I Am Art camp.
We are excited to build on previous camps and celebrate God and his artistry in love and grace!