Lee Street Church elects a Council of Elders and Deacons to serve as its governing body. This group of men and women serve a three-year term in equipping the church to grow in faith, love and serve others, and be a disciple-making community.
In partnership with the Elders and Deacons, the Administrative Council is a group of men and women who are elected or appointed to focus on specific administrative functions of the church (such as vision/mission, facilities, finance, and human resources). If you have questions, please email the clerk of Council at clerk@leestcrc.org.
Pastors: Steve DeVries, Joel Van Dyke
Vice President: Pete Visser
Clerk: Ed DeGroot
Treasurer: Dave DeVries
Deacon Representative: Judy Haan
Members at Large: Dan Holwerda and Barb McClurg
Administrator: Rachel Bouwkamp
Elders and Deacons are privileged to come alongside the congregation with care and encouragement. Members are organized into households, alphabetically by last name for easy access. Please contact the church office to get connected. (616.241.2105)
(Elder) Jerry Sikkema
(Deacon) Kevin Secundino
(Elder) Chuck Jansen
(Deacons) Seth TenBroeke
(Elder) Dave Veltkamp
(Deacon) Becky Veltkamp
(Elder) Steve Waalkes
(Deacon) Yeoshua Villars
(Elder) Dan Hoekzema
(Deacon) Dawn Bredeweg
(Elder) Nate Reicha
(Deacon) Barb Waalkes
(Elder) Dave Reiffer
(Deacon) Deb Ouwinga
LSEE (Lee Street en Español)
(Deacon) Naomi Mendez
Lee Street’s Leadership and Support Staff take care of the day-to-day functions of the church–equipping the church for ministry, connecting the church with the community, and helping the church carry out its vision and mission in the community.
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